
Ağustos, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

IV Circolo Didattico "Carolina Senatore" Scafati

The power of democracy at school  at 4° Circolo Didattico - Scafati ( Salerno) Italy   Our teachers The project into our curriculum team: 4th and 5th-grade children of Martiri d'Ungheria school building  First works Our project in . . .   mandala on the photos ... ... and on the school wall In . . .  acrostic Italian language and  English language Our initial games Anagrams Cruciverba <iframe src="https://wordwall.net/it/embed/68eb666514ba4e59bb4084a0501e80aa?themeId=1&templateId=11" width="500" height="380" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Crucipuzzle <iframe src="https://wordwall.net/it/embed/69aed08abe3f49ca8825a6465ccba751?themeId=2&templateId=10" width="500" height="380" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Our decalogues https://www.easel.ly/infographic/pdaqkc Activities https://youtu.be/ojIj0iBRJ_k European Day of languages  Democracy in  WORDS Our lo...