
National eTwinning Award

  We are celebrating! It has been a great pleasure to find ourselves on the list of the eTwinning 2021 National Awards thanks to the project developed in our school during the 19/20 school year "The Power of Democracy at Schools" . This award is a recognition of the work of our 6th grade students and their families, our partners and colleagues Manuel José Vázquez Feria, Elçin Ceyhan, Serap Sonal, Fatma Demir Kul, Necla Alp Yiğit and Minka Mincheva; and the support of our Management Teams. Congratulations to all of them!

IV Circolo Didattico "Carolina Senatore" Scafati

The power of democracy at school  at 4° Circolo Didattico - Scafati ( Salerno) Italy   Our teachers The project into our curriculum team: 4th and 5th-grade children of Martiri d'Ungheria school building  First works Our project in . . .   mandala on the photos ... ... and on the school wall In . . .  acrostic Italian language and  English language Our initial games Anagrams Cruciverba <iframe src="https://wordwall.net/it/embed/68eb666514ba4e59bb4084a0501e80aa?themeId=1&templateId=11" width="500" height="380" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Crucipuzzle <iframe src="https://wordwall.net/it/embed/69aed08abe3f49ca8825a6465ccba751?themeId=2&templateId=10" width="500" height="380" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Our decalogues https://www.easel.ly/infographic/pdaqkc Activities https://youtu.be/ojIj0iBRJ_k European Day of languages  Democracy in  WORDS Our lo...